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Meghan Nuttall Sayres - Anahita's Woven Riddle

Page history last edited by Elissa 16 years ago

Sayres, Meghan Nuttall - Anahita's Woven Riddle : 288 pages, ©2006

Early 20th Century - Iran


Anahita is part of a nomadic-tribe in early 20th Century Iran.  As is custom with her people, her father begins to arrange a marriage for her as she comes of age.  Anahita, however, suggests a different approach to choosing a husband.  Combining her two great loves, weaving and riddles, Anahita proposes weaving a riddle in to her wedding carpet and marrying the man who solves the puzzle.  Sayres novel weaves the stories of a girl becoming a woman, the struggles of a people on the verge of great change, and love of many kinds. 






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